There are several galleries of photos that you can reach from this page.
Two of the galleries showcase pictures from Steamboat Springs, Colorado. The collections are seasonal, one set taken during the winter, one during the summer. The pictures from the Yampa River valley were taken from vantage points reachable by car. The mountain pictures were taken by snowshoe during the winter and day hikes during the summer.
I’ve had the opportunity for several trips to Japan. There are shots here from Tokyo, a terrific city, and other locations in Japan. There also shots from trips to Maine, London and Paris.
The final gallery (for now) is a set of miscellaneous pictures that I enjoy.
There’s space below each gallery if you have any questions, comments or criticism about the pictures. Please let me know what you think.
Galleries: Colorado Winter, Colorado Summer, Tokyo, Other Japan
Maine, London, Miscellany